Our schedule is nuts. This time last year, so many people were telling me how busy I was going to get, and I nodded in my shocked daze as my calendar slowly filled up more and more. I really had no idea though. It truly takes a village to raise my son. His team consists of:
Audiologist (new/we may soon switch to an Ear, Nose, Throat doctor instead)
Physical Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Early Intervention Specialist
Speech Therapist
Tech Tots Specialist (new)
Visual Development Specialist (although Levi has actually been released as his visual development was recently assessed at 95th percentile, so we will probably only see her once or twice more)
Early Intervention Coordinator
I have probably gone overboard in having Levi seen by so many specialists, but with the benefit of an early diagnosis, we might as well get on top of potential issues instead of sitting back and assuming everything is fine. I have also tried to get him every possible early intervention he could benefit from as well. Thankfully, we've also started Respite Care which has been such a nice bonus provided by our Early Start Program. But it is a hectic life to say the least. We also go to a weekly Special Needs therapeutic play group, and the weekly story time at the local library for a dose of "typical peer" interaction as well. Not to mention, Norah has preschool twice a week, and will be starting ballet again soon. Last but not least, I've begun doing some volunteer work at the local college, as an outlet for me, which I have really enjoyed - but it adds to the chaotic schedule.
It's been hard staying on top of everything, but I've finally gotten really good about using my iPhone calendar and have thrown all of the hard copy datebooks away. I loved the pretty organizers and writing things down, but it just wasn't as functional and I was losing track of all the little notes and such. We've become a well oiled machine and I am not feeling as overwhelmed as I was for a while there (especially over the summer - hence my lack of updating this blog in so many months?!) It's been a long road, but we are trucking along now and doing pretty well if I do say so myself! :)